Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook Term Paper

Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook - Term Paper Example Theory dictates a set of universal needs from employees which are rather homogenous in many different cultures and nations. These needs include social belonging needs and receipt of esteem from others. Without establishing these motivational drivers for employees, it is likely they will not achieve the pinnacle of their talents and motivations to achieve business or strategic goals. Establishment of regular communications that offer esteem will also build a sense of social belonging that is necessary to achieve performance targets, as this lays the foundation for effective motivation. If the employee has a means of understanding, in real-time, what their actual performance is, then there is no ambiguity within the organizational model. Employees like to have clarity and a sense of purpose or they are more apt to resist change. Regular conversations, such as those provided by social networking software, would remove ambiguity. In most organizations that are dynamic and change is const antly present, it could alleviate some of the managerial responsibilities of having to perform annual or bi-annual reviews, giving them more time to establish the social systems needed to build human capital advantages against competition. Effectiveness of Social Network Performance to Different Demographics For Generation Y, the social network performance would be ideal. Shaver (2010) identifies that most Generation Y workers demand to receive instant feedback about their performance in order to provide maximum value to the organization. Gen Y workers like to maintain business positions in which leaders actively promote the social environment (Shaver, 2010). This would seem to be an ideal medium for this group. Generation X workers tend to learn new technologies faster than other groups. At the same time, they appreciate group flexibility and are adaptable in this fashion (United Nations, 2009). Group affiliation is something that provides this group with more motivation, therefore social networking as a tool to promote the social condition would seem to have benefits for motivation and human capital development. Baby Boomers, when it comes to marketing and consumption theories, tend to be more attracted to products and services that fit their own ethical and moral values. They are considered to be socially-conscious. Therefore, if this older generation of workers can successfully engage with social media, it would seem that the ethical and moral constructs of providing social networking opportunities would make them feel valuable as aligned with corporate social responsibility theory. Veterans are generally not comfortable with change practices. There is more chance that this group would reject social media especially if they are not engaged with it in their own personal lives. Veterans would not be ideal groups by which to establish this unless there was preliminary training to ensure they understood these new technological systems. The Payoff of Social Net work Tools That would be highly dependent on the level of motivation and dedication maintained by the individual to determine if there would be better performance through social networking opportunities. However, the process of establishing annual reviews often overwhelms the manager and involves multiple stakeholders in the process that can conflict time management or even reduce managerial effectiveness in other areas throughout the organization. Social networking software is not expensive, especially when

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