Friday, October 11, 2019

Characteristics of a close relationship

Characteristics of a close relationship PSYCH/220 – Positive Psychology: What's Right with me August 17, 2014 It is safe to say as I move along and our population grows we meet new and interesting people every day. Whether we encounter people on the subway, buses, or elevators we form a bond with people even if all we have in common is taking the same train or bus at the same time every day.These situations build comfort and security, the more and more we see each other eventually It would become a dally outing and a friendship or acquaintance can be formed. As stated In chapter 1 1, an intimate relationship does not mean it Is physical or has the potential to become physical; an intimate relationship is structured by six components, an intimate relationship Is formed by Knowledge, Trust, Caring, Interdependence, Mutuality, and commitment. A perfect example for me of this relationship is the one I share with my father.I am 26 years old now and I have been married since I was 2 0 and I have two beautiful boys, and everything I set a new goal and challenge and I accomplish It I hank my dad because I feel he made me the man I am today. Growing up I was a bit difficult and to be quite honest I did not have much of a relationship with my dad, I was always well defended by my mom and I usually always stuck with her. My father was born on Dominican Republic, so his way of living and ways of being where different from what I seen here with my friends and even on Television.Since he had his way and I felt his way was a bad one we never seen eye to eye and we were choices in life, I noticed his happiness, then I started to realize that my father Just anted the best for all his kids, Just that his methods for expressing himself and actions where outdated. I turned over a new leaf with my dad, I consider my father my superhero, my mentor and best friend especially when I had kids of my own. I realized as a father everything my father did for me and my sibling to path the way for us to succeed.An intimate relationship relies on Knowledge, The knowledge of mutual understanding based on self-disclosure which consists on revealing personal details f one's self to another. My father and I have reached, when I am in need of advice or help he speaks from experience, tells me if he had ever experienced a particular situation and how he responded to it. Aside from knowledge we must have Trust, in this case is the security that no harm will be done. I trust my father to give me advice and criticism which will better myself and with my best interest at heart.Now as a father I would assume that possessing the characteristics of caring should be unsaid cause it is a father son relationship, however in reaching a new level of appreciation for my dad I have realized that I not only care for my dad as my father but as a person, as another human being. I care for him because he cares for me and my children; he continues to be a great father and even better gran dfather. These are Just a few of the many characteristics that my intimate relationship with my father consists of. Every day I am grateful to have established this level communication, comfort, and trust with one another.

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