Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Adoration of the Shepherds and The Holy Family with the Shepherds Term Paper

Adoration of the Shepherds and The Holy Family with the Shepherds - Term Paper Example This obsessive attention to detail is a signature too of the Mantegna style and imprint, already fully formed at the time of the commissioning of the painting, completed when he was barely out of his teens. The descriptions of the painting include precision, hardness, a sense of clarity of the image and of the vision that was unique and spectacular during its time, and the refinement and the purity in the colors that were employed. In the Adoration of the Shepherds the clarity of the detail, the use of colors that are pure, and the sharpness and the overall sense of exactness of the composition is said to extend all the way to the background, where even the landscape far away from the scene in focus is described in such a level of detail that critics then and now consider with awe and astonishment. The emphasis on detail reflects tool, an aesthetic that focuses on reality, realistic depictions, even if in the case of the shepherds there is a lack of a tendency to idealize and beautif y their presences, and instead they are depicted in the painting in the full reality of the coarseness of their appearance and the drabness of the colors of their clothing. In contrast, Joseph's clothing, and his presence and appearance, are vibrant and serene at the same time, starkly in opposition to everything else, especially with regard to the yellow garb of Joseph. Mary's muted blue and red garb blends more with the surrounding environment, meanwhile, and it is noteworthy that the focus of attention of the shepherds is not Jesus and Mary, but in the painting it is Joseph they are facing and bowing to (Kren and Marx; Louvre; Abrahams). The Holy... See in the painting the shepherds look more like angels than human beings, in the handsome quality of their faces, the serenity and lack of human sin in the way their faces are depicted, and in the way their smiles and their presences encouraged further intimacy of spirit among the shepherds and the holy family. There is nothing at all that is course or reflecting toil and hardship in this painting. The composition is idealized too, in the way the lighting is so crafted so that the virgin mother and the infant Jesus take center stage in the painting, with the baby Jesus as the focal point of the attention of all the people in the painting, a deliberate staging of the painting so that mother and child, and child in particular, are the most important figures in the painting. The child Jesus is the focus of the love and attention of the shepherds, as well as of the virgin mother Mary. In contrast to the softness and the idealization that are the hallmarks of the painting by Jordaens, th e painting of Mantegna puts sharp focus on the outward physical reality of the scene, with the shepherds depicted not as idealized, angel-like figures but as very human, and as shepherds who toil and who are nomadic in their ways are expected to look at. Where Jordaens idealizes and softens the scene to evoke warmth and closeness, Mantegna offers stark reality, and detailed depictions of that reality. There is nothing at all that is course or reflecting toil and hardship in this painting, angel-like figures but as very human.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Comparison of Automated and Manual Control System Essay Example for Free

The Comparison of Automated and Manual Control System Essay Nowadays, with the development of information technology, almost every company has involved in the widely used of computer technology to deal with their daily business transactions. From this point, the control framework has mainly divided into two basic categories: one is manual control which requires an operator to activate or deactivate the control device. Another is automated control which regulates the business activities without much human intervention (Protiviti, 2011). In this section, we discuss the benefits and shortcomings of these two methods and compare them. Automated control The standardized, computerised automated control system is no doubt a good choice in terms of the large companies. It can reduce the risk result from the external and internal influences so that the company can save the unnecessary cost (Protiviti, 2011). One of the examples is Nordic bank, which applies more than 5,000 internal and external controls in its processes that dealing with technology, operation and financial. The total yearly saving is about 2,905,000 (Dutta, A. amp; Dopp, D. , 2011). However, the limitation of automated control is also obvious. Because of the complexity of the application of this system, companies should take special training for personnel so that people know how to use it. This comprises a relatively high cost for the entity. Manual control The manual control system is most widely used in the small business because of its simplicity and great sense of control that gives to the business owner. This could be illustrated by using the example like grocery which only carries a small amount of business date to process. For simplicity, the owner can easily keep track with daily business transactions by using a manual system and there is no need for the owner to spend time and money to learn the complex software. Furthermore, the manual control system is also likely to give the business owner an impression that every transaction is in control. Instead of using computer to deal with the orders, the owner could manage the process on his own (Carr, J. amp; Cohen, G. ,2008).. However, the disadvantages of manual control can also be obvious. Firstly, it may require massive labour force to maintain. It may needs continuous monitoring to make sure that the inventory is sufficient and every transaction has been correctly recorded. Secondly, human errors are unavoidable as the system relied heavily on the actions of people. As a consequence, additional cost is likely to happen in the proc essing of correcting (Carr, J. amp; Cohen, G. ,2008). Recommendations From the analysis above, it shows that both manual and automated control has advantages and disadvantages but they achieve the same goal. It’s almost impossible to decide which one is prior to the other. It depends on the scale of the business to choose the proper size. Small and medium businesses may prefer manual control due to its limited cost and simplicity. However, large corporations is likely to apply automated control system, which is more efficiency and helpful to minimize mistakes made by operators.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Need for a New Health Care System Essay -- Politics Health Care Medica

Need for a New Health Care System   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the major problems nagging America is the need for a new health care system. The number of uninsured Americans needing medical treatment is rising. Medicare, a major part of the American health care system, is projected to go broke in 2019 according to USA Today?s article, 'Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare.' I have seen this ruin people?s pursuit of happiness. I worked in a nursing home for the past five years. Many elderly patients run out of money to support themselves for their long term care. When they go on Medicare, only certain treatments and prescription drugs are available. This causes them to worsen in condition physically and mentally. I believe that with a national health care system, similar to the one in Canada and some European nations, this destruction of life and happiness will be decreased.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The problem with Medicare is that it is not efficient and is in serious financial problems. One huge concern stated in the USA Today?s article, ?Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare, is that the baby boomer generation is about to become eligible for Medicare, and there is currently barely enough money to cover the current population of beneficiaries. Medicare is not the only problem with the American health care system. Increasing amounts of uninsured people, increasing prescription drug costs, increasing amounts of prescription drugs per individual, and the trend toward more expensive drugs are some of the other factors troubling the current health care system (Hansen 2). We all pay for the uninsured through increased medical bills and insurance premiums (Hansen 3). Prescription drug costs are rising due to the increases in research and development costs (Hansen 3). People are requiring more medication and do not tend to shop for the best price, instead they buy what is recommended and sometimes the most expensive (Hansen 2).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We cannot just lower the cost of prescription drugs and expect a huge effect on medical costs. We still are going to be faced with the failure of Medicare and the increasing amount of uninsured Americans. With the increase in the number of uninsured Americans, the increase in the cost of health care will come. With the baby boomer generation coming to eligibility age for Medicare, it is inevitable that Medicare will run dry. Thi... ...o emotional depression. One of our three unalienable rights that our country gave us is the pursuit of happiness. With the current health care policies, many elderly are being restricted of this right. With a national health care system, the country as a whole would benefit. Our national health would improve, uninsured citizens would be eliminated, costs would fall, and Medicare would be revived. Works Cited Axworthy, Lloyd and Spiegel, Jerry. ?Retaining Canada?s health care system as a global public good.? Canadian Medical Association Journal 167.4 (2002): 1-3. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . ?Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare.? USA Today (2004): 1-2. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . Hansen, Christopher W. ?Perspective on drug costs.? Vital Speeches of the Day 70.10 (2004): 1-8. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . McCarthy, Michael. ?US doctors group calls for national health-care system.? Lancet 362.9384 (2003): 1-2. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . Need for a New Health Care System Essay -- Politics Health Care Medica Need for a New Health Care System   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the major problems nagging America is the need for a new health care system. The number of uninsured Americans needing medical treatment is rising. Medicare, a major part of the American health care system, is projected to go broke in 2019 according to USA Today?s article, 'Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare.' I have seen this ruin people?s pursuit of happiness. I worked in a nursing home for the past five years. Many elderly patients run out of money to support themselves for their long term care. When they go on Medicare, only certain treatments and prescription drugs are available. This causes them to worsen in condition physically and mentally. I believe that with a national health care system, similar to the one in Canada and some European nations, this destruction of life and happiness will be decreased.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The problem with Medicare is that it is not efficient and is in serious financial problems. One huge concern stated in the USA Today?s article, ?Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare, is that the baby boomer generation is about to become eligible for Medicare, and there is currently barely enough money to cover the current population of beneficiaries. Medicare is not the only problem with the American health care system. Increasing amounts of uninsured people, increasing prescription drug costs, increasing amounts of prescription drugs per individual, and the trend toward more expensive drugs are some of the other factors troubling the current health care system (Hansen 2). We all pay for the uninsured through increased medical bills and insurance premiums (Hansen 3). Prescription drug costs are rising due to the increases in research and development costs (Hansen 3). People are requiring more medication and do not tend to shop for the best price, instead they buy what is recommended and sometimes the most expensive (Hansen 2).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We cannot just lower the cost of prescription drugs and expect a huge effect on medical costs. We still are going to be faced with the failure of Medicare and the increasing amount of uninsured Americans. With the increase in the number of uninsured Americans, the increase in the cost of health care will come. With the baby boomer generation coming to eligibility age for Medicare, it is inevitable that Medicare will run dry. Thi... ...o emotional depression. One of our three unalienable rights that our country gave us is the pursuit of happiness. With the current health care policies, many elderly are being restricted of this right. With a national health care system, the country as a whole would benefit. Our national health would improve, uninsured citizens would be eliminated, costs would fall, and Medicare would be revived. Works Cited Axworthy, Lloyd and Spiegel, Jerry. ?Retaining Canada?s health care system as a global public good.? Canadian Medical Association Journal 167.4 (2002): 1-3. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . ?Congress refuses to swallow cures for ailing Medicare.? USA Today (2004): 1-2. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . Hansen, Christopher W. ?Perspective on drug costs.? Vital Speeches of the Day 70.10 (2004): 1-8. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 . McCarthy, Michael. ?US doctors group calls for national health-care system.? Lancet 362.9384 (2003): 1-2. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. University of Iowa, Main Library. 18 Dec. 2004 .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Profile essay Essay

Benny, son of Daniel Joseph was born on the 4th of December, 1995 in Gujarat, India. Tall, dark, and dresses formally Benny believes he is destined for the greatest things in life. More of a career-based individual, Benny wants to achieve highest in his life than what he had obtained. He has worked hard beyond his limit to be where he is today. For Benny life is positive and fulfilling through dedication and hard work. When the outcome is negative, Benny procrastinates and fails to really enjoy life. This is one of his drawbacks. Life should be lived as if there is no tomorrow. God has gifted us each day to enjoy and as humans we need not always be competitive. He mentioned during his childhood he didn’t speak much and used to suffer from severe headaches and because of this, he wouldn’t interact with many people. He was perceived as rude and disobedient. Through Benny I realize how he emerged from a difficult phase in his life to be more successful today. As an emotional person there are several events where Benny wept for his family and loved ones. Benny had a rough childhood from the loss of his dearest Grandfather who passed away when Benny was fourteen. His grandfather had been an inspiration and motivation for Benny to move on in life thus bringing out the best in him; he was Benny’s ‘shadow’. His grandfather believed in helping other people and often mentioned _†HE WHO HELPS PEOPLE IN NEED, WILL FIND INNER SATISFACTION†._ Through this quote Benny helps other people in trouble which brings him a sense of relief and satisfaction. Benny believes he looks like his grandfather and has a vision to reflect his Grandfather’s values. He believes passing on a positive action for the world in his lifetime. Benny learned humanity from his grandfather and put into practice. An incident occurred two years ago where he noticed a stray dog was being tortured by people around it. He immediately contacted th e animal shelter in his city. The dog is now adopted and is in safe hands. Such events have shaped Benny’s character and how he is perceived today. He has recovered from his once lonely and dark world. By observing him I feel I should shape my character to resemble his, whereby I can help people live and enjoy life who do not value it, by giving them a push to explore what God has gifted us. Today Benny believes to have come out from his comfort zone, _†I HAVE SUFFERED ENOUGH IN THIS LIFETIME_ _†;_ He wanted to disappear from the world of darkness to enter into the fruitful life God has gifted him, but he needed a push. He found Timmy, who became his best friend helped him understand the meaning of life. They shared their views and opinions. They both travelled to France last year with other school mates, and mentioned that he hadn’t laughed that much in a long time. Benny is currently in the United States pursuing his education. He is a freshman at Richland College. He loves the people, the environment here and has made many friends in such short period. He finds Math and Chemistry extremely challenging and must work hard towards them. Benny has overcome his fear of loneliness and darkness and now interacts with many people. He is a struggler. He loves exploring different parts of the world and would love to visit Venice which he describes as beautiful, breath-taking and heavenly. His dreams lead him to where he belongs, a pharmacist is what he wants to become. I see Benny as a wise individual who believes in God and visits the church regularly. Interviewing Benny was fun and exciting. He mentioned during his leisure time he enjoys watching comedy movies, biking, pranking his friends and trying out new food. In the coming future Benny would love to have his own family and describes his future wife as _†beauty with brains†_. He wants to have three children, two boys and a girl which depicts that Benny has turned into a humorous and more outgoing person.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Line Manager Play Crucial Role in the Link Between HRM and Organisational Performance

According to CIDP definition, line managers are a manager who are responsible for an employee or work to a higher level of management. Generally, their management responsibilities would include people management, monitoring work process and etc (CIPD, 2010). Clearly, it generally be said that line managers are closest to employees and customers and occupy a key role in the general management job of managing people. Guest and Conway’s study (2004) showed that supervisory leadership was the strongest factor associated to organisation commitment. In other words the relationship between employees and FLMs is important in influencing the employee’s perspectives of the support received. Purcell et al (2007) suggest that the employee’s judgement of their FLM leadership behaviour was directed related, where positive, to higher levels of commitment and to better aspects of job experience. Indeed, Winkler said (ND) that if an employee feels supported by their line manager, they will feel engaged with and committed to their organisation. Consequently, this will improve attendance, reduce staff turnover and ensure that employees are willing to ‘go that extra mil’. Furthermore, in the UK WERS (1998) notes that in the handling of employee relations issues, line managers outnumber employee relations specialists at British workplace. MacNeil (2003) reveals that line managers may play a role in capturing employee’s tacit knowledge, which may be able to be transferred in to specific organisational competencies. For example, Lazenby’s research found that line manager behaviour has a significant impact on employee commitment, which has an impact on customer commitment, which has an impact on business performance (cited Purcell, 2003). In addition, some workers mention line incapability in HR as a significant and specific fact contributing to explaining why they left their old jobs (Taylor, 2002). From these perspectives, it is clear to say that line manager play a vital role in HR practices. However, in practice, there is a question arises as to which tasks they see as their priority and what effects the choices they make have in terms of HRM in general, and an employee well-being in particular. For example, they also get pressure on the productivity. Most importantly, they are normally in the lower layer of the management hierarchy and front managers are unlikely to have formal management education (CIDP, 2010). In other words, they seem to lack the capability to implement HR practices well. As they are given the responsibility for performance review, Latham et al (2007) claim that line manager’s training is seen as more important than choice of rating system. It is clear to say that line manager generally lack the knowledge of assessment method for employees, which may have strong impact on fair performance review. However, although there are some questions about the role of line mangers in the HRM, some studies are quite positive on such questions, and note the role of line in making HR strategies ‘come to life’ (Hutchinson and Purcell 2003, Purcell et al, 2003). Furthermore, in terms of HR line managers play as an important role on the implication of not only performance appraisal but also the process of learning and development. Purcell and Hutchinson (2007) believe that line manager’s leader behaviour is critical because their involvement in L&D leads to a wide range of benefits. For example, line manager in the best place to evaluate outcome of learning, both to the individual and the organisation (Wolff, 2007). Moreover, Line manager also be the part of induction training to support newcomer’s settlement. Liden et al (2004) argue that line managers also play a very important for role in socialising employees, not simply by ensuring that they understand the content of the job, but also in bringing them into organisation’s culture and social network in the organisation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

12 Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss

12 Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss Honesty is always a good thing, but sometimes- particularly when it comes to talking to your boss- it might not be the best policy. Thinking before you speak is always advised. Profanity and insults are to be avoided at all costs. We know you’re a grownup, but it must be said- you’ll need to be on your best behavior at all times. Here is a list of phrases you should take care never to voice out loud when speaking to your boss. Eliminate these from your vocabulary.1. â€Å"I’m doing the work of three people†Even if this is true, say if your boss fired someone and your workload increased to pick up the slack, this is never wise to say outright. Instead try asking your boss to sit down with you and help prioritize your task list. Once she sees what you’re actually juggling, she’ll realize the work you’re doing is too much.2. â€Å"I don’t have time.†This may be true, but again, there are subtler ways to show your boss that y ou’re drowning in excessive work.3. â€Å"I don’t know how.†/â€Å"I can’t.†If you’re asked to do something, the worst thing to say is â€Å"I don’t know how to do that†- or even worse: â€Å"I can’t.† Your first move should be to figure out if you can figure it out. Within reason, of course. Show your problem solving skills and attempt to solve it on your own. If you need help, ask a colleague or mentor for guidance first. And never just say you can’t because you don’t feel like it.4. â€Å"That’s not my job.†Dismissing a task as outside of your job description or somehow not in your â€Å"area† is a great way to get a negative performance review and a bad reference down the line. Be willing to pitch in and humbly do what needs to be done, regardless of the pay grade.5. â€Å"I don’t know.†If your boss asks you a question, it’s fine to not immediately know t he answer. It’s not fine to say that outright. Never shrug your shoulders and walk away when you could say â€Å"I’m not certain about that, but I’ll look into it for you right away.†6. â€Å"I’ll try.†As Yoda said, â€Å"Do or do not. There is no try.† Get it done. Saying you’ll â€Å"try†- even if you mean it- just makes it sound like you won’t really put your back into it.7. â€Å"Ooh, did you hear about Steve’s weekend fling?†Keep other people’s personal lives to yourself as well. If you must gossip, do it with your out of work friends.8. â€Å"I’m sorry, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The â€Å"but† is the real problem here. If you’re genuinely sorry, apologize for what you’re sorry about. No excuses or rationalizations.9. â€Å"I just assumed that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å"Assume† means to make an ass of ‘u† and ‘me.’ Don’t assume. If you h ave any doubts or questions at the outset of a task or project, speak up then. Don’t make assumptions that can cost you and your team (and your boss) valuable time and resources.10. â€Å"At my last job†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Sure, maybe your procedures were more streamlined and your boss was better, but this information is only going to get you in trouble with your current boss.11. â€Å"I need a raise.†While it’s fine to ask for more money at the appropriate time, saying you need one- particularly because you just had a baby or bought a house- is a recipe for not getting one. Play your review process a bit smarter than that. You deserve a raise because you’ve earned it. You’ve shown your value. Never just because you’re broke.12. â€Å"No.†This is a no brainer. There’s always a better way to phrase this. If you ever need to say it, find a better way.

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Overview of the Declaration of Pillnitz

An Overview of the Declaration of Pillnitz The Declaration of Pillnitz was a statement issued by the rulers of Austria and Prussia in 1792 to try and both support the French monarchy and forestall a European war as a result of the French Revolution. It actually had the opposite effect and goes down in history as a terrible misjudgment. The Meeting of Former Rivals In 1789, the French Revolution had seen King Louis XVI of France lose control of an Estates General and a new citizen government form in France. This didnt only anger the French king, but most of Europe, who were monarchies less than pleased about citizens organizing. As the revolution became more extreme in France, the king and queen became practical prisoners of the government, and calls to execute them grew. Concerned about both the welfare of his sister Marie Antoinette and the status of brother in law King Louis XVI of France, Emperor Leopold of Austria met with King Frederick William of Prussia at Pillnitz in Saxony. The plan was to discuss what to do about the way the French Revolution was undermining royalty and threatening family. There was a strong camp of opinion in western Europe, led by members of the French aristocracy who had fled the revolutionary government, for armed intervention aimed at restoring the full powers of the French king and the whole of the ‘old r egime’. Leopold, for his part, was a pragmatic and enlightened monarch who was attempting to balance his own problem-riven empire. He had followed events in France but was afraid intervention would threaten his sister and brother in law, not help them (he was completely right). However, when he thought they had escaped he rashly offered all his resources to aid them. By the time of Pillnitz, he knew the French royals were effectively prisoners in France. The Aims of the Declaration of Pillnitz Austria and Prussia were not natural allies given recent European history, but at Pillnitz they reached an agreement and put out a declaration. This was couched in the diplomatic language of the day, and had a double meaning: taken at face value it issued a rebuke to the revolutionary government, but in practice was meant to produce a limitation on calls for war, restrict à ©migrà © princes and support the royal party in France. While it stated that the fate of the French Royals was of â€Å"common interest† to Europe’s other leaders, and while it urged France to restore them and made threats if harm came to them, the subtext was in the section saying Europe would only take military action with the agreement of all the major powers. As everybody knew Britain would have nothing to do with such a war at that point, Austria and Prussia were, in practice, not tied to any action. It sounded tough but promised nothing of substance. It was a piece of clever wordplay. It was a total failure. The Reality of the Declaration of Pillnitz The Declaration of Pillnitz was thus designed to assist the pro-royal faction in the revolutionary government against the republicans rather than threaten a war. Unfortunately for the state of peace in Europe, the revolutionary government in France had developed a culture that did not recognize subtext: they spoke in moral absolutes, believed that oratory was a pure form of communication and that cleverly written text was disingenuous. Thus the revolutionary government, especially the republicans agitating against the king, were able to take the Declaration at face value and portray it as, not just a threat, but a call to arms. To many scared Frenchmen, and to many agitating politicians, Pillnitz was a sign of invasion and contributed to France engaging in a pre-emptive declaration of war and the mirage of a crusade to spread liberty. The French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars would follow, and both Louis and Marie would be executed by a regime made even more extreme by Pillni tz.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cómo Estás and Other Spanish Greetings

Cà ³mo Ests and Other Spanish Greetings  ¿Cà ³mo ests? How are you? With that simple line - its pronounced KOH-moh ess-TAHSS - you can greet almost any Spanish speaker youve met before. Add to that these phrases below, and youll be well-positioned to make a good first impression wherever you go in Spain or most of Latin America. Spanish Greetings and Similar Phrases Phrases in common use can vary with location and sometimes with age or social status. But except where indicated, those listed below can be used appropriately in almost any situation. Pronunciations given are approximate; in all pronunciations below, the th is pronounced as in this, and the oo is pronounced as in boom. Hola - Hello, hi - OH-lah -   This greeting is suitable in both formal and informal contexts.Hola, alà ³, jalà ³, bueno, diga - Hello (on the telephone) - OH-lah, ah-LOH, hah-LOH, BUEH-no, DEE-gah -   The choice of telephone greeting varies from location to location. Hola would be understood anywhere but is not customary in many places.Adià ³s - Goodbye - ah-THYOHSS  -   An informal alternative in many areas is chau (pronounced chow, sometimes spelled ciao, from Italian). ¿Cà ³mo ests?  ¿Cà ³mo est? - How are you? - KOH-moh es-TAHSS, KOH-moh es-TAH - The first form (which is informal) normally would be used with someone you know on a first-name basis or when speaking with a child. The second form generally would be used in other situations. Usage can depend quite a bit on where you are; in some areas, the informal form (ests) would be expected where under the same circumstances the formal form would be used in other areas. If youre a foreigner, chances are no one will criticize you for using the wrong form, although you may be politely corrected. Muy bien, gracias - Very well, thank you  - mwee-vyenn GRAHSS-yahss.Buenos dà ­as - Good day, good morning - BWEH-nohss DEE-ahss -   In some areas, a shortened form, buen dà ­a, is used.Buenas tardes - Good afternoon, good evening - BWEH-nahss TAR-dess -   In most areas, buenas tardes should be used in the early evening in preference to buenas noches.Buenas noches - Good night - BWEH-nahss NOH-chess -   Unlike the English translation, buenas noches can be used as a greeting as well as a farewell. ¿Cà ³mo te va?  ¿Cà ³mo le va?  ¿Quà © tal?  ¿Quà © hay? - Hows it going? -   KOH-moh teh-VAH, KOH-moh leh-VAH, kay-TALL, kay-AYE - There is also a variety of colloquial alternatives, although many of them depend on the area. The first one given is informal, used as with  ¿Cà ³mo ests? above. ¿Quà © pasa? - Whats happening?  - kay PAHSS-ah. ¿Quà © hubo?  ¿Quà © onda? - How is it going? Whats happening? - kay OO-boh, kay OHN-dah -   These phrases are most common in Mexico. ¿Cà ³mo te llamas?  ¿Cà ³mo se llama usted? - Whats your name? - KOH-moh teh YAHM-mahss, KOH-moh seh YAHM-mah oo-STETH  -   A literal translation would be What do you call yourself? or, somewhat less literally, What are you called? The first form normally would be used with a child, or possibly with someone of equal social status at an informal occasion. If youre uncertain which form to use, the second one is safer. Also see the explanation with the entry for  ¿Cà ³mo ests? above. Me llamo (nombre).- My name is (name). - meh YAHM-moh (NOHM-breh)  -   A literal translation would be I call myself (name) or, somewhat less literally, I am called (name). You can also literally translate the English: Mi nombre es (nombre).Mucho gusto. Encantado. - Its a pleasure to meet you. - MOO-choh GOO-stoh, en-kahn-TAH-thoh. Either of these could be said when someone introduces him- or herself to you. If youre female, you should say encantada  (en-kahn-TAH-thah) instead of encantado.Bienvenido, bienvenida, bienvenidos, bienvenidas - Welcome - byem-beh-NEE-thoh, byem-beh-NEE-thah,  byem-beh-NEE-thohss,  byem-beh-NEE-thahss  -   Note the difference in number and gender. Bienvenido would be used with a man, bienvenida with a woman, bienvenidas with a group of all females, and bienvenidos with males or a mixed group.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Classification of Classical Criminology Term Paper

Classification of Classical Criminology - Term Paper Example Statistics reveal the grim situation prevalent in political, social, economical, educational, entertainment, and even familial circles. The controversy on treating criminology as an academic stream exists and it is difficult to argue either in favor of it or oppose it. For instance, the issue of capital punishment is raging currently with the proponents and opponents engaged in a war of words in print and electronic media. In this cacophony and confusion, the Human Rights' Commission and their supporters claim that: the death sentence amounts to state or judiciary-sponsored murder, that it does not serve the purpose as a deterrent to potential killers, it does not take into account the basic rights of the dependants of the condemned man for a decent livelihood, and finally, that the state should rather reform the convicts so that they learn to lead a better life in society and atone for his wrongdoing by engaging in social services under the state's dictum. Every civilized society in the world has penal codes and most contain the capital punishments. The civilized society's contention is that obliteration of capital punishment from the statute book will only prod lawbreakers to commit their wanton acts with impunity. The eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth kind of justice prevalent in some countries like Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries have succeeded in maintaining a healthy sense of fear of the law among its citizens. So, on the one hand, justice has to be done to the perpetrator of the crime in a way that metes out punishment for the crime and at the same time also leaves him enough scope to transform. Also, the ordinary citizens longing for an orderly peaceful society has the assurance at all times that their security concerns are not compromised while dispensing justice to the criminal. (Criminology). Crime can be broadly classified into two groups of categories.     

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Selection of Suppliers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Selection of Suppliers - Essay Example Having done the reviews, considered the more subtle differences among the criteria and then developed a table containing all key criteria for selecting the suppliers The selection of the four projects was aimed to analyze the application of various criteria and consequently check the effectiveness of results in each case. Last but not least it was found that a developing a proper strategy in connection with selecting the suppliers is equally important to building any other business strategy. I conclude by referring to one of the diversification strategies – i.e. â€Å"Vertical Integration† introduced by Igor Ansoff. The vertical integration refers to either becoming your own supplier or become a distributor. It shows that sometimes suppliers become so problematic for a firm that it has to take such a turnaround strategy for buying a supplier. Introduction: In this competitive global market, every organization desires to accomplish its projects successfully. To ensure th e timely and successful completion of a project, firms need to analyze all possible pros & cons and then opt for the best solution – right from procurement to production of finished goods. It is a myth that in manufacturing supply chain management is not only the lifeline of any project but also decides a success or failure thereof.. Selection of suppliers, being a part of supply chain management, involves many criteria that govern the selection of suppliers. These criteria include quality of raw material, lead time required by the supplier, cost of raw material, delivery time, resources/ability for delivery, supplier’s reputation, etc. etc.. This paper intends to discuss these supplier selection criteria by analyzing the practical projects. The four different projects chosen include the production of electronic products, construction of a retail outlet, manufacturing glass containers and construction of residential buildings. The criteria for selection of suppliers fo llowed by these projects include quality of raw material, delivery time, cost of material and supplier’s reputation, respectively. Having analyzed these criteria, a comparison has been presented along with critiques and finally identified the best method to be opted for selecting the suppliers. Literature Review: Every business, in one way or other, is impacted due to stiff competition, increased globalization and unabated technological advancements. In such a prevailing hyper-competition, effective supply chain management has become not only important but also become a core of corporate strategy. Coyle, Bardi, and Langey (2003) pointed out that in order to cope-up with such a crucial business trend, it has become mandatory for the logistics managers to concentrate more on suppliers’ capabilities, conceptualizing, designing, and implementing the supply process. Traditionally, only a few criteria used to be followed in a supplier’s selection – i.e. materi al cost, delivery time and quality of goods (Smith et al. 1963).

American Literature Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Literature - Term Paper Example English is all pervasive as 'the de facto language or the lingua franca today' . The huge amount of production of books and magazines from both english speaking countries and elsewhere in English, with the local-language coming a close second in terms of production makes English a sort of lingua-franca today. So not only has English cornered the English Language world, but we see the impact of English in the world of TV, cinema, music, comics and TV also in the non English speaking world. From time immemorial the concept of one lingua franca, uniting people has been around. Literature has had works abounding in Latin for centuries. And the sheer amount of works in Latin indicate that mankind has for long felt the need for a common language for communication , be what so ever one's own mother tongue. Almost 50% of the world's student population choose English as their choosen language of study today because they feel that this would be the most useful for them in business and commerce. EFL, is the study of English as a Foreign language, and EFL as a foreign language is part of the school curriculum in countries where English has no special status. The EFL Journal in China and in Iran are example of English language learning in countries where English is a foreign language. But in former British colonies English is an official language even if not spoken as a mother tongue. The teaching of English is as a second language referred to in the terminology "TESL" or rather more generally as 'ESL'in countries such as US, Canada and Australia. In UK, Ireland and New Zealand, this very term ESL has been replaced by the term ESOL. Whatever might be the term ESL or ESOL or ESD(English as a secondary dialect) used in various countries , English is taught primarily for a person to hold down a job and to perform the daily necessities of life. But students learning EFL in HongKong will learn most likely the 'British English' and the students in Philipines will learn the 'American English' version. For this reason the emphasis is now on EIL (English as an International Language) also known as ELF(English as the lingua franca). There are communities of English speakers in countries all over the world where english is spoken , but with noticeable differences in pronounciations, vocabulary and grammar in different countries. The term sociolinguistic is the study of the effects of society, cultures, norms and expectation on language useage. Ethnicity, religion, gender, level of education, a person's age makes the speaking and writing of language different from place to place depending on the social class which uses it and it is this sociolects that sociolinguists study( lect being language or dialect). As always, there has been a distinction which exists in the English language between the high and elevated literary language and the colloquial language. After the defeat of England by the Normans , Latin and French replaced English as the official and literay language and the English we know today emerged only after the Middle Ages . It is no longer possible to differentiate between english in the literary sense and english as a colloquial language today. English has been used as a literary language of expression since time memorial in many

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Viper's Den v. Jim Morriston Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Viper's Den v. Jim Morriston - Essay Example Unfortunately, the coffee was not wiped out on time because Flash attended to a phone call before cleaning it up. Jim Morriston was just through with his lunch and had taken two beers with it when he saw Flash and ran over to greet him. Jim Morriston did not see the coffee spill on the floor and neither did he see the bright yellow caution sign that warned of the slippery floor. As he was running towards Flash, he slipped and fell very heavily on the floor as a result of the coffee that had spilled on the floor. As he fell on the floor, he tried to support himself with his hands and ended up fracturing his arm in two places. As a result of this incident, Jim Morriston had to undergo surgery and he ended up spending two days in hospital so that he would be treated of the injuries he sustained from the fall. When Jim Morriston returned to Wyoming, he decided to sue Flash for negligence that led to the fall. A statement of the issues to be decided The major issues that need to be decide d include whether or not Flash has to litigate the case in Wyoming. Another major issue is whether Jim Morriston has a legitimate case of negligence over Flash and the Viper’s Den. In the first issue, Jim Morriston has sued Flash in Wyoming for neglect that led to his fall. He has gone to court right after he returned to his area of residence in Wyoming and has claimed the Flash neglected cleaning wiping off the coffee from the floor which resulted to the injuries and distress that he has today. Since the case is already in court in Wyoming, Flash needs to decide whether he has to litigate the case in Wyoming or not. Flash is of the idea that the state courts in Wyoming are not the proper jurisdiction for this particular type of case. He therefore has to decide whether he will proceed to litigate the case in Wyoming or he will challenge that decision made by Jim Morriston to take the case to the state courts at Wyoming. Another issue that needs to be decided is whether Jim Mo rriston has a legitimate case of negligence over Flash and the Viper’s Den. It has to be decided whether Jim Morriston was the one on the wrong for having taken two beers at lunch. It has to be decided whether the beers that Jim Morriston had taken impaired his sight, reasoning and actions to such an extent that he was not able to see the big bright yellow sign. The coffee spill should have been dealt with immediately so as to avoid any unnecessary accidents from occurring. However, had Jim Morriston been in his right state of mind, there would be higher chances that he would have seen the bright yellow sign and take caution to prevent him from falling. These major issues in this case therefore need to be decided in an attempt to resolve the case and come up with viable and legal solutions to the case at hand (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers & Langvardt, p. 340). Legal arguments that Flash can make against the case being litigated at Wyoming Flash can legally argue that if the reporte d incident took place in Bozeman, then Jim Morriston should have sued him in a court in Bozeman and not in Wyoming. Flash can argue that he does not do any business in Wyoming and the case would therefore lack objectivity if it was to be heard there. The state courts at Wyoming are not the proper jurisdiction for this type of case. The incident that is being reported tool place in a completely different

Contemporary Architecture and Ecological Knowledge Essay

Contemporary Architecture and Ecological Knowledge - Essay Example The essay "Contemporary Architecture and Ecological Knowledge" discovers the impact of ecological knowledge in molding the architecture. The effectiveness of the design in terms of incorporating ecological concepts will be evaluated, and the validity of its scientific claims, will be seen. Lastly, the new directions in this area of creative pursuit will be identified, by additional ecological knowledge. â€Å"Our duty is to translate the codes of the ecological language in a poetic way, to marry beauty with respect for the environment† (The Dirt). Such were the words of Renzo Piano, the Italian architect, while discussing ecology and architecture with the local newspaper. In his design of the Academy of Sciences building in San Francisco, Piano makes the clear decision that creating a fine balance between natural and built environment, should be the driving theme in any new building. The 400,000-sq.-ft.structure, built at the cost of $488-million, is certainly an excellent end eavor of Piano, to bring together cutting-edge technology and green design in 3- dimensional form. An aquarium, a planetarium, and a natural history museum, are part of this building. The building also houses 20 million specimens, and provides a platform for scientific research. The architect’s sensitivity towards ecology can be clearly seen in the entire design, and most impressively in the design of 2.5 acre living green roof. Although Greens roofs are no new technology, but the idea of using green roof that can generate power is new.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Viper's Den v. Jim Morriston Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Viper's Den v. Jim Morriston - Essay Example Unfortunately, the coffee was not wiped out on time because Flash attended to a phone call before cleaning it up. Jim Morriston was just through with his lunch and had taken two beers with it when he saw Flash and ran over to greet him. Jim Morriston did not see the coffee spill on the floor and neither did he see the bright yellow caution sign that warned of the slippery floor. As he was running towards Flash, he slipped and fell very heavily on the floor as a result of the coffee that had spilled on the floor. As he fell on the floor, he tried to support himself with his hands and ended up fracturing his arm in two places. As a result of this incident, Jim Morriston had to undergo surgery and he ended up spending two days in hospital so that he would be treated of the injuries he sustained from the fall. When Jim Morriston returned to Wyoming, he decided to sue Flash for negligence that led to the fall. A statement of the issues to be decided The major issues that need to be decide d include whether or not Flash has to litigate the case in Wyoming. Another major issue is whether Jim Morriston has a legitimate case of negligence over Flash and the Viper’s Den. In the first issue, Jim Morriston has sued Flash in Wyoming for neglect that led to his fall. He has gone to court right after he returned to his area of residence in Wyoming and has claimed the Flash neglected cleaning wiping off the coffee from the floor which resulted to the injuries and distress that he has today. Since the case is already in court in Wyoming, Flash needs to decide whether he has to litigate the case in Wyoming or not. Flash is of the idea that the state courts in Wyoming are not the proper jurisdiction for this particular type of case. He therefore has to decide whether he will proceed to litigate the case in Wyoming or he will challenge that decision made by Jim Morriston to take the case to the state courts at Wyoming. Another issue that needs to be decided is whether Jim Mo rriston has a legitimate case of negligence over Flash and the Viper’s Den. It has to be decided whether Jim Morriston was the one on the wrong for having taken two beers at lunch. It has to be decided whether the beers that Jim Morriston had taken impaired his sight, reasoning and actions to such an extent that he was not able to see the big bright yellow sign. The coffee spill should have been dealt with immediately so as to avoid any unnecessary accidents from occurring. However, had Jim Morriston been in his right state of mind, there would be higher chances that he would have seen the bright yellow sign and take caution to prevent him from falling. These major issues in this case therefore need to be decided in an attempt to resolve the case and come up with viable and legal solutions to the case at hand (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers & Langvardt, p. 340). Legal arguments that Flash can make against the case being litigated at Wyoming Flash can legally argue that if the reporte d incident took place in Bozeman, then Jim Morriston should have sued him in a court in Bozeman and not in Wyoming. Flash can argue that he does not do any business in Wyoming and the case would therefore lack objectivity if it was to be heard there. The state courts at Wyoming are not the proper jurisdiction for this type of case. The incident that is being reported tool place in a completely different

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook Term Paper

Performance Review Takes a Page from Facebook - Term Paper Example Theory dictates a set of universal needs from employees which are rather homogenous in many different cultures and nations. These needs include social belonging needs and receipt of esteem from others. Without establishing these motivational drivers for employees, it is likely they will not achieve the pinnacle of their talents and motivations to achieve business or strategic goals. Establishment of regular communications that offer esteem will also build a sense of social belonging that is necessary to achieve performance targets, as this lays the foundation for effective motivation. If the employee has a means of understanding, in real-time, what their actual performance is, then there is no ambiguity within the organizational model. Employees like to have clarity and a sense of purpose or they are more apt to resist change. Regular conversations, such as those provided by social networking software, would remove ambiguity. In most organizations that are dynamic and change is const antly present, it could alleviate some of the managerial responsibilities of having to perform annual or bi-annual reviews, giving them more time to establish the social systems needed to build human capital advantages against competition. Effectiveness of Social Network Performance to Different Demographics For Generation Y, the social network performance would be ideal. Shaver (2010) identifies that most Generation Y workers demand to receive instant feedback about their performance in order to provide maximum value to the organization. Gen Y workers like to maintain business positions in which leaders actively promote the social environment (Shaver, 2010). This would seem to be an ideal medium for this group. Generation X workers tend to learn new technologies faster than other groups. At the same time, they appreciate group flexibility and are adaptable in this fashion (United Nations, 2009). Group affiliation is something that provides this group with more motivation, therefore social networking as a tool to promote the social condition would seem to have benefits for motivation and human capital development. Baby Boomers, when it comes to marketing and consumption theories, tend to be more attracted to products and services that fit their own ethical and moral values. They are considered to be socially-conscious. Therefore, if this older generation of workers can successfully engage with social media, it would seem that the ethical and moral constructs of providing social networking opportunities would make them feel valuable as aligned with corporate social responsibility theory. Veterans are generally not comfortable with change practices. There is more chance that this group would reject social media especially if they are not engaged with it in their own personal lives. Veterans would not be ideal groups by which to establish this unless there was preliminary training to ensure they understood these new technological systems. The Payoff of Social Net work Tools That would be highly dependent on the level of motivation and dedication maintained by the individual to determine if there would be better performance through social networking opportunities. However, the process of establishing annual reviews often overwhelms the manager and involves multiple stakeholders in the process that can conflict time management or even reduce managerial effectiveness in other areas throughout the organization. Social networking software is not expensive, especially when

Vietnam War Research Essay Example for Free

Vietnam War Research Essay The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U. S. puppet state. American military advisors arrived in what was then French Indochina beginning in 1950. U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s, with troop levels tripling in 1961 and tripling again in 1962. U.S. combat units were deployed beginning in 1965. Operations spanned international borders, with Laos and Cambodia heavily bombed. American involvement in the war peaked in 1968, at the time of the Tet Offensive. After this, U.S. ground forces were gradually withdrawn as part of a policy known as Vietnamization. Despite the Paris Peace Accords, signed by all parties in January 1973, fighting continued. U.S. military involvement ended on 15 August 1973 as a result of the Case–Church Amendment passed by the U.S. Congress. The capture of Saigon by the Vietnam Peoples Army in April 1975 marked the end of the war, and North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year. The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities. Estimates of the number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed vary from fewer than one million to more than three million. Some 200,000–300,000 Cambodians, 20,000–200,000 Laotians, and 58,220 U.S. service members also died in the conflict. (WIKI PEDIA) Key Quotes: (NOTABLE QUOTES) The Vietnam War was arguably the most traumatic experience for the United States in the twentieth century. That is indeed a grim distinction in a span that included two world wars, the assassinations of two presidents and the resignation of another, the Great Depression, the Cold War, racial unrest, and the drug and crime waves. DONALD M. GOLDSTEIN This war in Vietnam is, I believe, a war for civilization. Certainly it is not a war of our seeking. It is a war thrust upon us and we cannot yield to tyranny. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America not on the battlefields of Vietnam. MARSHALL MCLUHAN Our resistance will be long and painful, but whatever the sacrifices, however long the struggle, we shall fight to the end, until Vietnam is fully independent and reunified.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Positive effect of technology on business

Positive effect of technology on business Introduction This studys objective is to analyse the positive effect of technology on businesses and organisations. In order to accomplish this objective, an industry as well as an organisation within the industry was selected for focus. Additionally, the technologies that were incorporated into organisation were observed as well as the benefits received by the organisation. The selected industries for the purposes of this study are the global confectionary industry. Additionally, the selected organisation selected for this study is Cadbury, which is a well-known global confectionary organisation, which leads the market in candy. Initially, an analysis of the confectionary industry is performed by the PESTEL and Porters Five Forces models. Additionally, the study the organisation is analysed in detail and the organisations application of technology is also analysed. Global Confectionary Industry The global confectionary market consists of products such as gum, chocolate, cereal bars and sugar cadies. Datamonitor (2009a) reports that in 2008, the global confectionary market created a total revenue of more than $127 billion, which represents 3 percent-per-year growth over than past 4 years. The information below shows the market value since 2004. Source: Datamonitor (2009a) The global confectionary industry is forecasted grow at a rate of 2.7 percent per year and to represent over $135 billion by 2012 (Weston, 2009). The 2008 global confectionary market is segmented into the following product groups as listed below. Global Confectionery Market Segmentation by Product Category Source: Datamonitor (2009a) The information above shows that chocolate represents 48.6 percent of the total market, whereas the sugar confectionary segment represents 35.2 percent. Additionally, the segment of gum is seen as 11.9 percent, followed by cereal bars which represent 4.3 percent of the total market (Datamonitor, 2009a). In terms of geographical segmentation, the largest market share belongs to Europe, which represents 48.4 percent of the total market. America follows Europe with 36.1 percent and 15.1 percent belongs to the Asia-Pacific region (Datamonitor, 2009a). The global confectionary sector consists of several major companies, which represent 35.5 percent of the market. These companies include Cadbury Plc, Mars Inc., and Nestle S. A. The information below shows the total market share of the industry and related companies. Source: Datamonitor (2009a) After briefly examining the industry of global confectionary, the external forces and factors which affect the industry as a whole will be examined. Analysis Of External Forces The PESTEL model of analysis will be used to observe the external factors and their impacts on the global confectionary industry. PESTEL represents a total of six factors, namely Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Political Factors: The policies of restrictions imposed on trade as well as protectionist policies for sugar producers created by developed countries caused an increase of sugar prices resulting from the decrease in supply (Bandow, 2009). This has been seen as a threat towards confectionary companies, due to their dependence on sugar for their products. Economic Factors: The recent global economic crisis has affected the cost of operations for companies as well as consumption by customers (Koksal and Ozgul, 2007). Consumers tend to spend very conservatively and purchase only times of necessity during recessionary periods. This can have a negative effect on sales of luxurious or premium products in the market, in which the confectionary industry belongs. Adding to this burden, the increased price of cocoa, which is typically a main ingredient of some confectionary products, has had a significant impact on the confectionary industry (globalbusinessinsights, 2009). Social Factors: The overall population of Europe is aging compared to other markets (Travis, 2008). This is important for the confectionary industry, because the market relies on purchases from younger consumers. Additionally, health consciousness plays a role in the sales of the confectionary markets growth (globalbusinessinsights, 2009). Technological Factors: The technological factors that have affected the confectionary market can be seen in the development of artificial sweeteners including xylitol, isomalt, and stevia. The developments of these ingredients resulted in producers of confectionary products to promote non-sugar products to support the growing segment of consumers who are health conscious and provide healthier products (Business Insight, 2009). Ecological Factors: Environmentally friendliness has become a growing concern for many consumers recently. This trend represents nearly 30 percent of the market of consumers (News System, 2009). This has resulted in the confectionary markets development of new packaging and materials which are environmentally friendly. Legal Factors: Obesity is becoming a growing concern for most people in developed countries. Laws have been created which deal with these potential health problems, in particular obesity in children is addressed through these laws. The development of these laws has increased restrictions to promotional efforts towards children of companies such as confectionary producers (Swinburn, 2008). Analysis Of Industry Specific Factors Porters Five Forces model identifies the factors within the industry that affect the organisations profits (Boddy, 2005). Porter (1985), explains that the competitive environment of an industry consists of five general forces. These forces are described as threats of entry, threats of substitutes, buyers bargaining powers, suppliers power and level of rivalry in the market. Using the Five Forces model of Porter, the confectionary industry can be examined. Threat of Entry As previously mentioned, three main companies exists in the confectionary industry which include Nestle S.A., Mars Inc., and Cadbury PLC. These companies combined represent 35.5 percent of the total market. This market contains well-established, strong brands and the new introduction of new brands usually comes through brand-extension of existing brands such as KitKat ‘Chunky and KitKat ‘Cubes. Bargaining Power of Buyers Organisations within this industry offer a variety of products and the elements of price, quality and brands create a highly differentiated market for products. The negotiation power of food retailers, especially in Western countries, over confectionary producers affects the price of products in this industry (Datamonitor, 2009a). Bargaining Power of Suppliers The primary suppliers in this market include raw material producers and cocoa farmers. These cocoa farming activities are dependent on tropical climates and exist in places such as Ghana, Indonesia, Brazil and Cà ´te dIvoire (Datamonitor, 2009a). The primary ingredients in confectionary products such as cocoa and sugar are sold on the commodities market, which limits the manufacturing companys control over suppliers. In 2007 an increase of between 5 and 6 percent on main ingredients of confectionary products were seen, and resulted in higher confectionary product prices (Wearden, 2007). Threat of Substitutes Typically, confectionary products are purchase as snack foods. The substitutes for these products are fruits. The increase of health consciousness has also threatened the confectionary market due to the high substitution of healthier fruits (Datamonitor, 2009a). Lower switching costs results from the substitution products. Degree of Rivalry Large companies dominate the confectionary market. Various products exist in these companies. High brand loyalty exists in the market (Datamonitor, 2009a). Cadbury Cadbury PLC, or simply known as Cadbury represents a global leader in the market of candy, chocolate and gum. Cadbury has operations located in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The headquarters of Cadbury is located in London, UK where 46,517 people are employed total (Datamonitor, 2009b). As a worldwide confectionary producer, distributor and marketer, Cadbury divides the business into different categories which are gum, chocolate and sugar. The primary area of operation is within the Eurozone, South and Central America, the US, Australia and the Asia Pacific region (Datamonitor, 2009b). The largest segment of the company is represented through its chocolate business which generates approximately 46 percent of the 2008 total revenues. This segment is operated by regions and caters to the preferences and tastes of each market (Datamonitor, 2009b). Cadburys gum segment offers gums of a variety of flavours including mint, strawberry, watermelon and peppermint. The gum segment produced approximately one-third of the 2008 revenues for Cadbury (Datamonitor, 2009b). Additionally, Cadbury offers several types of candies which include toffees and cough drops (Datamonitor, 2009b). Cadbury functions through four different areas which include Britain, Ireland, the Middle East, Africa (BIMA region), as well as the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. The BI (Britain and Ireland) segment represents the largest business unit overall. In terms of market share, the UK region held 30 percent while Ireland held 42 percent for Cadbury (Datamonitor, 2009b). SWOT Analysis A worldwide confectionary producer, distributor and marketer, Cadbury maintains a strong presence in each area of operation. Cadbury leads the global confectionary market with 10.5 percent of the market share. This strength in the market contributes to the profitability of the firm, but certain market shares are affected do to the increased price of raw materials and heavy competition. Strengths Strength in the market position Expansive geographical presence Highly active in new markets Weaknesses productivity of the employees liquidity status of the firm Opportunities Markets increasing in premium chocolates US and Europe markets are forecasted to increase Threats Increase in raw material prices Highly competitive markets Increase in US labour costs Performance Of The Company  £5,384 million in revenues were seen by Cadbury for the year of 2008, which represents an increase of 14.6 percent compared to the previous year. Cadbury also generated a profit of  £388 million during 2008, which represents a 39.6 percent increase over the previous year. Net profits for Cadbury were  £364 million during 2008, which represent a 10.1 percent decrease from the previous year (Datamonitor, 2009b). Information Technology Information systems are defined as systems that process, collect, interpret or transmit information from users through manual or automated means which include people, machines or different methods of collection. Additionally, this is defined as any type of telecommunications or equipment utilising computers which interact through a systematic network, which functions to gain, store, alter, manage, move, present, control, transmit, or receive data. A few examples of these include hardware, software and firmware. Information Technology on the other hand consists of a host of applications or technologies that allow storing, transferring and processing data to a user or users. Information communication technologies are a generic term that explains a wide variety of elements including fax, telephones, internet, applications, televisions and mobile devices (Daniels, 1998). The fundamental strategy in a firm is based on competition, which can be demonstrated through the idea of survival in the short term, market entry, dealing with legislation and creating quality customer service (Daniels, 1998). Strategic advantage is gained by these different activities and must be upheld by information services and technology. Therefore, information services strategies explain the applications and review the needs of information and implement the appropriate service to meet the needs of the organisation. These information technologies vary from large database systems or processing systems to specialised local systems. The quality of a customers relationship with the firm for example, can depend heavily on the point of contact within a marketing and sales division of a firm (Daniels, 1998). Competitive advantages are sought by companies within their respective markets through a variety of methods, which involve service, products, pricing strategy and differentiation strategies. To have a clear understanding of consumer behaviour and the business environment, a well established system and flow of information is needed. Therefore to align the business strategies with the market, the firm needs to manage the various processes and functions of the firm to encourage efficiency in the organisation. This is where the implementation of the appropriate information systems becomes important. Information systems allow effective communication throughout the organisation and among suppliers and distributors contributing to the supply chain of the organisation (Daniels, 1998). Technology In Cadbury A contract exists between Cadbury and ARINSO which will establish the euHReka system, which will combine the HR functions of the organisation globally. This system will be implemented in 2010 by Cadbury and will allow the employees of the organisation to access various services online. Additionally, information sharing will be created between the HR departments, which will allow better decision making abilities for the organisation. ARINSO has also given Cadbury the option to access services from them in the future (Business Source Complete, 2007). Although this, several problems do arise from IT as well, and Cadbury has witnessed over  £12million reduction in profits due to complications at the UK facilities (Saran, 2006). Due to this, additional IT solutions were integrated. This resulted in  £200 million being spent over a course of four years to assist with the ERP system known as SAP (Saran, 2006). In fact, in 2006, Cadbury began the year with higher than anticipated inventory and stock. Measures were taken to reduce the stock and inventory of the company by discounts in the spring of 2006 (Saran, 2006). Probe was implemented and it was suggested that this implementation resulted in various issues related to the functioning of the supply chain and manufacturing capabilities. These issues were resolved through the use of Probe, which developed a system for purchasing, marketing, distribution, finance, planning, and sales. Conclusion The global confectionary industry is analysed in this study to demonstrate the technology used in the industry. In this analysis, a small growth is demonstrated in within the industry despite the economic situation, although profits in 2008 decreased by 10 percent as compared to 2007 profits. The macro-environmental examination indicate that despite threats resulting from social, legal, and political factors the confectionary market maintains opportunities in new markets, young population of consumers, and the development of alternative raw materials such as artificial sweeteners. These opportunities not only benefit the market, but also specifically benefit Cadbury. New entry barriers however are presented by Porters Five Forces model as being high risk for new entrants. Additionally, buyers retain moderate power, suppliers retain significant power and rivalry is relatively low, while substitutes are high. Therefore, this suggests that profitability for companies can be increased by following trends in the market. In technological terms, the company will establish a new type of technology in 2010, which will provide improved decision-making capabilities in the future. The organisation in the past had implemented Probe, which is a system designed to improve functionality of manufacturing and the supply chain. Bibliography Bocij, P. (2006) Business Information Systems (3rd Ed.), Harlow: Prentice-Hall Boddy, D. (2005) Management: An Introduction (3rd Ed.), London: FT-Prentice Hall Koksal, M. H. and Ozgul, E. (2007) â€Å"The Relationship between Marketing Strategies and Performance in an Economic Crisis†, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 326-342 Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing Management (12th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall References Bandow, D. (2009) â€Å"Time for Change in Sugar Policy†, available at: Boddy, D. (2005) Management: An Introduction (3rd Ed.), London: FT-Prentice Hall Business Insight (2009) â€Å"Innovations in Confectionery: Key Trends, Growth Opportunities and Emerging Markets†, available at: Business Source Complete (2007) â€Å"Cadbury Awards ARINSO Global HR IT System Contract†, GlobalSourcing, published on 10/11/2007 Daniels, S. (1998) â€Å"The Strategic Use of Information Systems†, Work Study, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 167-171 Datamonitor (2009a) â€Å"Global Confectionery: Industry Profile September 2009†, available at: Datamonitor (2009b) â€Å"Cadbury Company Profile†, available at: globalbusinessinsights (2009) â€Å"The Top 10 Confectionery Companies†, available at: Koksal, M. H. and Ozgul, E. (2007) â€Å"The Relationship between Marketing Strategies and Performance in an Economic Crisis†, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 326-342 Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing Management (12th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall News System (2009) â€Å"Confectionery Packaging: Sustainable, Multisensory and White†, published on 7 December 2009, available at: Porter, M. (1985) Competitive Advantage, New York: Free Press Saran, C. (2006) â€Å"IT problems cost Cadbury†, Computer Weekly, published on: 6/13/2006 Swinburn, B. A. (2008) â€Å"Obesity Prevention: The Role of Policies, Laws and Regulations†, Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, Vol. 5, No. 12, available at: Travis, A. (2008) â€Å"Fewer Britons in Work Due to Ageing Population and Emigration Rather Than Migrants, Says Report†, available at: Wearden, G. (2007) â€Å"Milk and Cocoa Costs Drive up Chocolate Prices†, The Guardian, published on 11 December 2007, available at: Weston, S. (2009) â€Å"Baked Goods, Confectionery Snacks Market Dynamics†,, published on 9 July 2009, available at:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Midieval Technology And Social Change :: essays research papers

Medieval Technology and Social Change Medieval Technology and Social Change Oxford University Press first published Medieval Technology and Social Change in 1962. It discusses the technological advances during the medieval times and how these changes affected society. The book's author, Lynn White, Jr., was born in San Francisco in 1907. Educated at Stanford, Union Theological, and Princeton, White taught at Princeton and the University of California at Los Angeles. He was also president of Mills College in Oakland from the 1940s to the 1960s. His other works include Medieval Religion and Technology: Collected Essays, published in 1978 and Life & Work in Medieval Europe, the Evolution of Medieval Economy from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century, published in 1982. White's work has been influential both in medieval history and the history of science. In Medieval Technology and Social Change, White examines the role of technological innovation during the rise of social groups in the Middle Ages. White begins with the in vention of the stirrup. He shows how this innovation, in turn, introduced heavy, long-range cavalry to the medieval battlefield. The development thus escalated small-scale conflict to "shock combat." Cannons and flame-throwers followed, as did more peaceful inventions, such as watermills and reapers. White also reviews the development of the manorial system with the introduction of new kinds of plows and new methods of crop rotation. He reviews the evolution of the scratch plow into the heavy plow and explains the use of each type in different areas of Europe. White next discusses the social effects of feudalism and how it spread from the Franks to Spain and later to England. He shows that military service became a matter of class, with lands and titles being exchanged for the commitment to serve as mounted warriors. The concept of the knight's duty to his lord translated into chivalry and noble obligation. White then ventures into the slow collapse of feudalism, coming ab out with the development of machines and tools. This caused the introduction of factories, which took the place of cottage industries. Although White's work falls short in a few areas, it is valuable for the attention that it pays to aspects of medieval history that too often go ignored White's work is important because he advocates the importance of science and technology to medieval history. Before White, few scholars thought that any significant science or engineering was done in Europe during the Middle.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Characteristics of a close relationship

Characteristics of a close relationship PSYCH/220 – Positive Psychology: What's Right with me August 17, 2014 It is safe to say as I move along and our population grows we meet new and interesting people every day. Whether we encounter people on the subway, buses, or elevators we form a bond with people even if all we have in common is taking the same train or bus at the same time every day.These situations build comfort and security, the more and more we see each other eventually It would become a dally outing and a friendship or acquaintance can be formed. As stated In chapter 1 1, an intimate relationship does not mean it Is physical or has the potential to become physical; an intimate relationship is structured by six components, an intimate relationship Is formed by Knowledge, Trust, Caring, Interdependence, Mutuality, and commitment. A perfect example for me of this relationship is the one I share with my father.I am 26 years old now and I have been married since I was 2 0 and I have two beautiful boys, and everything I set a new goal and challenge and I accomplish It I hank my dad because I feel he made me the man I am today. Growing up I was a bit difficult and to be quite honest I did not have much of a relationship with my dad, I was always well defended by my mom and I usually always stuck with her. My father was born on Dominican Republic, so his way of living and ways of being where different from what I seen here with my friends and even on Television.Since he had his way and I felt his way was a bad one we never seen eye to eye and we were choices in life, I noticed his happiness, then I started to realize that my father Just anted the best for all his kids, Just that his methods for expressing himself and actions where outdated. I turned over a new leaf with my dad, I consider my father my superhero, my mentor and best friend especially when I had kids of my own. I realized as a father everything my father did for me and my sibling to path the way for us to succeed.An intimate relationship relies on Knowledge, The knowledge of mutual understanding based on self-disclosure which consists on revealing personal details f one's self to another. My father and I have reached, when I am in need of advice or help he speaks from experience, tells me if he had ever experienced a particular situation and how he responded to it. Aside from knowledge we must have Trust, in this case is the security that no harm will be done. I trust my father to give me advice and criticism which will better myself and with my best interest at heart.Now as a father I would assume that possessing the characteristics of caring should be unsaid cause it is a father son relationship, however in reaching a new level of appreciation for my dad I have realized that I not only care for my dad as my father but as a person, as another human being. I care for him because he cares for me and my children; he continues to be a great father and even better gran dfather. These are Just a few of the many characteristics that my intimate relationship with my father consists of. Every day I am grateful to have established this level communication, comfort, and trust with one another.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Supermarket Marketing

1) For this assignment I decided to visit the Tom Thumb Supermarket located in Lovers Lane. When I walked into the supermarket the first thing I saw was a stand in the middle of a small-like room in which people get the kart to do their shopping. In this stand there were organic fruits such as apples, peaches, melons, kiwi and a couple of other small fruits. All of them contained the yellow sign of â€Å"every day savings†, meaning that the fruits were on a discount from their regular prices. I think that the retailer strategically puts these items in the entrance since they know fruits are a high demand product for consumers. Once I passed through the doors and into the supermarket, I observed a flower stand with many flowers for sale and many stands containing chips and many soft drinks that came in boxes like coca-cola, sprite, Canada dry and others. I think that the flowers are great location since they attract every consumer that walks into the supermarket independently if he/she is going to buy flowers or not. It also gives a better experience to the consumer as he walks in, since flowers are produce a sense of calm for many. ) As I walked through the supermarket, I reached the pharmacy of the supermarket. As I had seen in many places before such as CVS and Walgreens, this supermarket also had generic brands in many of the medications being sold. These generic brands were found among the most common medications sold daily. Beside Advil, Tylenol, and ZzzQuil, there were the generic products. The generic products had a simpler look from the outside than the national brand names, but contained the exact same ingredients as the national brands, for $2 and up to $3 dollars less in most cases. There were also generic products for well-known brands such as Tums, Mucinex, Aleve, Alka-Seltzer, and even Pepto Bismol. I believe that that these brands are positioned this way so the consumer is able to compare the national brand to a generic product and realize that the only difference between them is the price and a nice looking box. 3) While walking through the aisles I realized that there were products at the end-of-aisle that were not from the same category as the aisle. There was a similarity between all of these products that were located at the end-cap. The majority of these items were snacks or small products for daily use. These items were mostly chips, there were some with water and it was the cheapest one, one contained small toys, wine, and soft drinks. I believe that these items are located at the end-cap since it is something that almost every consumer likes and wants. So it is a strategic location for retailers to place products that have a very high demand. 4) I was not shocked to see an item that was displayed in two different locations since it was one that we usually do not relate to a supermarket. While walking to the pharmacy there was a stand in the middle of the aisle. This stand contained ceramic plates and silverware, there were also a few toys and a lot of hard plastic containers for water or drinks. These items were located in a different area than they usually are. I imagine that these products do not have a lot of demand. So the retailer tries to create this demand by separating the product into two locations and probably attract consumers in different locations such as the pharmacy that could be more interested in the product. ) When I went to the mustard category I realized that the most expensive type of mustard were also among the most famous brands. The most expensive mustard was Heinz, followed by other brands such as Safeway, Guldens, Jack Daniels, and Grey Poupon, which were in the same price range. The cheapest mustard was the French’s brand, which I am almost sure is no different than the Heinz mustard. The differences in prices among the mustards wer e also influenced by the type of mustard not only the brand. The Dijon, Horseradish, Spicy Brown, Sweet and Spicy, and Brown mustards were more expensive than regular plain mustard.

Hinduism Essay

Hinduism is the religion of the great majority of the people of India. The word comes from the Sanskrit sindhu, â€Å"river,† and originally referred to the Indus. Hinduism is actually a collection of many native Indian religions, past and present. It is responsible for the social structure of India, especially for the caste system (a hereditary class system). The oldest of the world’s great religions, Hinduism is the only one without a founder. It has never tried to win converts by force and has always tolerated other religions and absorbed ideas from them. Hinduism has about 20 sects, with beliefs that range from primitive forms of animism to the highest reaches of mysticism and philosophy. Many of the sects and cults seem to be separate religions. Yet all have a family relationship since they spring from common traditions and thrive on the conditions peculiar to India. Most have a mystic strain and all stress nonviolence. †¢ Describe the major tenets of the Hindu belief system. Hinduism has many sacred objects and places. The cow is the most sacred of animals and must be protected. Most sacred of all places is the Ganges River, to which millions go each year to bathe and to become purified. Hindus believe in rebirth, or reincarnation, and in what they call the law of karma. Under this law the conditions of each new lifetime are determined by the actions of the preceding life. To the Hindu, salvation consists of liberating the soul from attachment to worldly desires in order to gain union with Brahman. If a Hindu dies liberated he must be born again into this world and again endure its suffering.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Examining a Business Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Examining a Business Failure - Essay Example Two other recruitments to follow were that of Rebecca Mark and Jeff Skilling, both of whom were close accomplices of the CEO, and both of them strong enough to head new business lines of Enron. The CEO’s strong political back-up also helped the cause. While these new executives helped Enron spread its wings internationally into the energy market and energy financing, there was an unhealthy inter-personnel rivalry going on in the organization. The exit of Kinder as President fuelled the rivalry further, after Skilling was promoted as President of Enron. Mergers and acquisitions were a part of life at Enron, and soon the conglomerate, which started as a gas pipeline company, ventured into energy trading, and subsequently launched into new markets such as metals, paper, water and bandwidth. Enron was known as a â€Å"Takeover Tycoon† with a â€Å"Midas-touch†. However, most of these merger and acquisition decisions were taken not professionally, but for personal interests of the top executives who wanted to flex their own muscles within the organization to out power the other. Much to the surprise of the corporate world, the Enron ‘bubble’ burst in the year 2001, and investigations into this matter opened a can of worms, revealing that it was not only the Enron executives, but also the legal advisors, their accounting firm and security brokers were a part of the scandal. Keep a fair distance between political influence and business. Too much of political influence on business could prove hazardous. As for Enron’s case, their proximity to the political system helped them easily garner deregulations and other macro issues in their favor, much to the agony of the workers, pensioners and other stakeholders. Professional service providers such as that of accountants, lawyers, stock brokers, etc. should keep themselves away from ‘personal interests’ gained

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Denvor Airport Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Denvor Airport Case - Essay Example The primary source for analysis of the project will be an article which was originally published as a Harvard Business School Case Study. After analysis of the planning and resource management capabilities of BAE in carrying out the Baggage Handling System and its consequences, workable recommendations will be made for further improvement in the company’s efficiency in the areas of planning, control and resource management. Performance of a project depends greatly on its planning and resource management capabilities since these capabilities play a vital role in success or failure of any project. The present study will strive to investigate the relationship between the planning and resource management capabilities of BAE Automated Systems Inc. in installation of an automated baggage handling system and the problems faced by the stakeholders in implementing the project which ended up into a failure. Thus, the focus of the study will be on planning and control aspects of the automated baggage handling system project. To analyze the planning and control aspects of the company it is important to understand what the project was and what expectations were attached with the completion of the project. The automated baggage handling system project was part of the greater Denver International Airport project. Denver International Airport (DIA) is considered to be one of the world’s largest airports. The DIA project was a huge and involved enormous construction and installation tasks. The construction began in 1989 but it was only in the 1992 that the Project Management Team (PMT) realized that an airport-wide integrated baggage-handling system should be included in the project in order to improve the efficiency of luggage delivery (p. 23). The objective of installing the new system was to improve ground time efficiency and to reduce the time which is spent in manual baggage sorting and handling. The

Monday, October 7, 2019

The primary reason that America went to war against Britain in 1812 Essay

The primary reason that America went to war against Britain in 1812 - Essay Example However, tensions still remained between the two nations. The primary reason as to why James Madison declared war against Britain can be associated with differences in the high seas. In his congressional speech, Madison stated that cruisers from Britain violated the American flag. Besides, he accused the British of seizing persons sailing under the American flag (Haberle, 2003). This, he argued, was against the law that governs the relationships between nations. To Madison, the actions of the cruisers seemed to favor the British while the Americans continued to suffer. Madison also purported that the British had violated the sovereignty of the United States. Therefore, he sought support from congress. Factors that led to the declaration of the war can be associated with the decision of the British to drag American citizens in warships. Madison claimed that this exposed Americans to significant dangers while in their own country. The actions of the British to use American subjects in their battles triggered Madison to declare war. The British did not respect America as a sovereign country. As such, the war had to be fought to end British control of the United States (Haberle,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

D3.1 The Wet Foot Dry Foot Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

D3.1 The Wet Foot Dry Foot Policy - Essay Example Any illegal immigrant from Cuba, whether traveling by sea or by land, and has now managed to reach American soil, should be granted asylum, because these people are fleeing from a one-man rule communist dictatorship. There should be no distinction whatsoever, as it betrays Americas democratic principles, the very political foundation of the country as it was envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Perhaps a more sensible approach is to exclude Cubans who went to the United States of America purely for economic reasons, since they would not qualify for political asylum to be given temporary green cards. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, all Cuban immigrants should be given the benefit of the doubt (Iraola para. 4). The legal distinction contained in the current policy is merely hair splitting and does not serve any purpose at all; it is better to grant every Cuban immigrant permanent residency status and the rare chance to live in freedom. These people had gambled everything, even life and limbs, to reach the United States and it is heartbreaking to turn them back, based on moral and ethical human rights consideration. It is cruel and inhumane to turn them back; it is like bringing an escaped slave back to his master (McGill para. 13). This policy should be

Saturday, October 5, 2019

BUSINESS LAW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

BUSINESS LAW - Assignment Example It was studied that many critics strictly protested against the Civil Justice System of the United Kingdom. According to them the civil justice system was inefficient, slow, unwelcoming and outdated. Many attempts were made to resolve these issues and failed until Lord Woolf came up with his report in 1996. The report had recommendations based on ADR and it was assured by Woolf that if these recommendations were implemented, a new landscape for English Civil Justice would be created. Some of the recommendations that were put forward in the report were as follows: The litigation should be less complex Litigation should be done in a shorter time with effective results The cost of litigation should be affordable to the parties who do not have much financial resources. Judges should be supported so that they can manage litigation according to the new rules. The reason why ADR was recommended in the report was to make the Justice system more efficient and reliable. ADR played a vital role in bringing a revolution in the English Civil Justice System and it now also implemented in many other countries. Give three types of ADR and say why they are likely to be used. There are generally three types of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques that are commonly practiced in the United Kingdom. ... s of the respective parties put fewer efforts into resolving the disputes through legal processes than they do in negotiating and come to an agreement (Bazerman & Neale, 1992). This is basically done by the negotiators who concentrate more on problem solving and trying to satisfy both the parties rather than identifying who is right and who is wrong. In the process of negotiation both the parties have total control on the situation throughout. They are free to talk and present their points and can even back off if they are not able to satisfy each other. There is no involvement of the third party (Dukes, 1993). It is not important for the parties to hire skillful and trained attorneys to implement the process if they have the ability to negotiate themselves. It is likely to be used when the two parties expect to have an interaction in the future since it is less confrontational than litigation. Mediation In the process of mediation, an independent mediator gets involved and works wit h the two parties to resolve the dispute. Mediators are highly trained professionals who have the ability to help the parties communicate and come to a mutually satisfied agreement (Acland, 1990). However, mediators neither have any right to impose a rule on any of the two parties nor to make decisions for them. They are just a source of communication between them. Mediation is successful if two parties satisfy each other and sign a legal agreement in which they agree to abide. In case of unsuccessful mediation no agreement takes place and the parties are likely to take the dispute to the court. In mediation the parties are found to resolve the dispute in a shorter period of time. The parties can start the process of mediation even if they have filed the case in the court which is much

Friday, October 4, 2019

Moral Education Essay Example for Free

Moral Education Essay Moral education can be given better by parents at home, than by schoolmasters and professors in schools and colleges. Parents have numberless opportunities of guiding their children by pre ¬cept and example, opportunities denied to the teacher. Who generally meets his pupils in large classes, and seldom has the means of becoming intimately acquainted with their several char ¬acters and the faults, other than intellectual faults, to which each of them is particularly prone. The first point of importance to notice with regard to moral instruction is that, in the words of the proverb, example is better than precept. This is too often forgotten by parents, especially in the case of young children. Many parents are emphatic in incul-cating truthfulness, but, on very slight occasion think it advisable to escape the importunity or curiosity of children by deception, if not by actual falsehood. They fondly hope that the deceit will pass unnoticed; but children are keener observers than they are generally supposed to be, and very quick to detect any discrep ¬ancy between preaching and practice on the part of their elders. It is therefore imperative that parents in all cases should them ¬selves act up to the moral precepts that they inculcate upon their children. Another important point in the home training of children is careful selection of associates of their own age who will not teach them bad habits. For the same reason, especially in rich houses, great care must be taken that the servants do not exert an evil influence on their moral character. Bad servants teach a child to be deceitful and disobedient by secretly helping him to enjoy forbidden pleasures, which of course they warn him he must on no account mention to his parents. They may also render a child rude and overbearing by servile submission to his caprices and bad temper. If we now pass from home to school life, we see that the first great disadvantage that the school-master labours under is that it is very difficult for him to gain the affections of his pupils. A father can generally appeal to filial love as an inducement towards obeying the moral rules he prescribes. But a school-master ap ¬pears to boys in the position of a task-master, and is too often without reason regarded by them as their natural enemy, particu ¬larly by those whom he has to punish for idleness or other faults, that is, by the very boys who stand most in need of moral instruction. Even when a school-master has got over this hostile feeling, he finds that the large amount of daily teaching expected from him leaves him little leisure to give his pupils friendly advice in the intervals between lessons. It has been proposed in India that formal lessons in morality should be given in schools and colleges. But it is to be feared that lessons so delivered from the school-master’s desk or the professor’s chair would produce little more effect than is obtained by the writing of moral sentences in copy-books. In the great public schools of England the masters have opportunities of de ¬livering moral lessons under more favourable conditions, when they preach the weekly sermon on Sunday in the sacred precincts of the school chapel. The Indian teacher has no such opportunity of using his eloquence in guiding the members of his school towards moral enthusiasm. Yet he can do much by the power of personal example, and by creating in the minds of his pupils admiration for the great English writers, who in prose or verse give expression to the highest moral thoughts. In addition to this, all intellectual education is in proportion to its success a powerful deterrent from vice, as it enables us to see more clearly the evil effects that follow from disobedience to moral rules.